TeNeS Gallery

About | TeNeS is a solver program for two dimensional quantum lattice model based on a projected entangled pair state wavefunction and the corner transfer matrix renormalization group method. TeNeS works on a massively parallel machine because tensor operations are OpenMP/MPI parallelized. This repository provides the sample data including input and output data for TeNeS. |
URL | https://isspns-gitlab.issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp/tenes-dev/tenes-gallery |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2022.108437 |
Authors | Tsuyoshi Okubo , Satoshi Morita , Yuichi Motoyama , Kazuyoshi Yoshimi , Takeo Kato , Naoki Kawashima |
License | Documents: CC BY 4.0, Codes: GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
Category | Strong correlation/effective models , Quantum computing |
References | Yuichi Motoyama, Tsuyoshi Okubo, Kazuyoshi Yoshimi, Satoshi Morita, Takeo Kato, Naoki Kawashima, "TeNeS: Tensor network solver for quantum lattice systems", Computer Physics Communications, 279, 108437(2022). |
Related software | TeNeS |
Contact ※Please replace __at__ with @. |
tenes-dev__at__issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp |
Note |